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SK Walker Law Marion Illinois office personal injury law firm

Case Results

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Although past performance in no way predicts future performance, because each case is unique, for your reference only, we proudly list some of our past case result. Your choice in hiring an attorney or law firm should not be based solely on this content or any advertisement. Please contact SK Walker Law today to see if we are a good fit for you and see if we can find a way, a legal way that best fits your unique situation. 

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Car crash - $30,000 Settlement

Driver rearended sitting a stop light, case settled for $30,000, after filing suit. All cases are unique, and past performance does not predict future performance in any matter.


Nursing Home Wrongful Death - $170,000

Nursing home wrongful death lawsuit settled for $170,000 All cases are unique, and past performance does not predict future performance in any matter.


Car crash - $105,000

Driver rearended while stopped in construction zone, case settled through mediation for $105,000 after filing lawsuit. All cases are unique, and past performance does not predict future performance in any matter.


Car crash - $19,000

Driver rearended stopped in parking lot, case settled for $19,000 before filing lawsuit. All cases are unique, and past performance does not predict future performance in any matter.


Car crash - $7,500 Settlement

Passager with minor injuries rearended sitting a stop light, case settled for $7,500, after filing suit. All cases are unique, and past performance does not predict future performance in any matter.


Car crash - $25,000 Settlement

Driver rearended sitting at Interstate off ramp, settled for $25,000 after filing lawsuit. All cases are unique, and past performance does not predict future performance in any matter.


Car crash - $135,000

Driver T-boned on highway, case settled at mediation for $135,000 after filing lawsuit. All cases are unique, and past performance does not predict future performance in any matter.


Contested Probate - $852,000

3 heir contested probate of decedent's estate, settled our client's share at mediation for approx. $852,000. All cases are unique, and past performance does not predict future performance in any matter.

© 2020 by SK Walker Law, LLC

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